Friday, July 29, 2011

Dog Days Are Over

Friday Rituals - on Friday's I always celebrate the week being over with music and an extra large (skinny) latte :)

Dog Days Are Over , although this song came on this morning so I feel obligated to include Never Tear Us Apart!

Bud and I are having a Chicago Staycation (Groupon sponsored) this weekend - nice and "cheap" way to feel like you are getting away and try new (nerdy) things.....

Tonight we are trying Magnolia Cafe - mouth watering at the sound of their short ribs.

Saturday we are going on a Chicago Chocolate Tour - I am realllly hoping for a Willy Wonka chocolate river.....

My street fest attendance has been slacking this summer - goal is to try and stop by Taste of Lincoln for some beers and local street tent nom's.

Sunday the one and only Paul McCartney will be performing live at Wrigley Field, since tickets were going for about $300 a piece (which is still totally worth it) we decided to skip....I am going to try and drag Bud toWrigley just for a small chance I can hear sweet Paul's voice coming from the field :)

Cheers to the weekend!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kitty Cats & Cigarettes

A description of self through images

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet Home Chicago.

After 2 years in my loft above Pint it was time for a refreshing change. I started my search for a 1 bedroom loft and WOW rent was as much as mortgage back in Missouri. Much stress and tears later I was so very happy to have my gf Krista ask me to get a 2 bedroom (technically 4 bed if you count my two new kitty sisters I was adopting along). Our experiences with the apartment hunters was underwhelming and we decided to take the hunt on ourselves. We found a beautiful loft in Wicker Park within a couple weeks and our minds were at ease (minus the pain of a move). This navajo - bohemian - kitty cat crazed apartment is feeling more and more like home each day.